School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County

School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County

“Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo

“Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo “Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo “Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo

“Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra

“Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra

“Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan

“Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan “Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan “Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan

Exemple de bună practică

Exemple de bună practică

Colegiul Naţional Barbu Ştirbei Călăraşi a organizat activităţi de robotică pentru 20 de elevi din şcoli primare din municipiul Călăraşi utilizând trusele EQ1 ROBO achiziţionate în proiect in perioada 01.02.2023 – 30.05.2023 pentru:
Şcoala Gimnazială  Carol I Călăraşi
Şcoala Gimnazială  Mihai Viteazul  Călăraşi
Şcoala Gimnazială Nicolae Titulescu Călăraşi


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Project “Coordination of joint policies and equipment investment in the field of education in the cross-border area” is cofinanted by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme

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Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria
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