The project "CBC for MaST Education" financed under the Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border program INTERREG V-A, was launched in Veliko Tarnovo on 14 June 2017. The leader of this project is the School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County and the partners are: "Emil Stanev" High School from Veliko Tarnovo, High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" from Silistra and "Hristo Botev" High School in Tutrakan.
This project is the continuation of the MaST Networking project, quality in the development of key competences in mathematics, science and technology and aims to transfer the concept of Innovation and Creativity Workshop MAST to the three high schools in Bulgaria. Will be featured 3 high schools in Bulgaria and 5 high schools in Calarasi county with equipments with approximately value of 90,000 euros each.
The motto of the project is: "Storm or are the MaST goes on"