School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County

School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County School Inspectorate of Călăraşi County

“Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo

“Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo “Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo “Emilian Stanev” Secondary school - Veliko Turnovo

“Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra

“Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” High school of Mathematics and natural sciences - Silistra

“Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan

“Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan “Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan “Hristo Botev” Secondary School - Tutrakan

MaST (Mathematics, Science, Technology)

MaST (Mathematics, Science, Technology)

For me, that project has meant 2 years of science experience which helped me to discover my true calling, being represented by programming like that of robots, because I was impressed by the creations of the other participants and I was glad that the project provided every school with robots that students can use to learn about this science that is developing at an amazing speed.

As part of this project, I not only developed myself intellectually, but also created many connections, forming friendships with all the other participants who in the future will be able to transform into something better, because I also gained mutual trust.

I think that this project was a very interesting one and I appreciate that the endowment brought will help many generations of students to work with the latest generation equipment that equipped the laboratories of chemistry, physics, biology and that tall the inventions made by the students will help them to develop their creativity, new skills and competences in the field of science.

Constantin Costin membru al echipei Liceului Teoretic ”Mihai Eminescu”
În prezent elev clasa a XII-a la Colegiul Naţional ”Barbu Ştirbei”

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Project “Coordination of joint policies and equipment investment in the field of education in the cross-border area” is cofinanted by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme

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Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria
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