Our project is called „On the shoulders of Leonardo da Vinci’.
The idea of the project started from the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, a personality that marked the period of the Renaissance. We studied the sketches of Leonardo da Vinci and made miniature layouts of Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions. Wehave used the knowledge of mathematics, physics, strength of materials, history, music, art and we have developed technical and communication skills.
We conducted the project in several meetings with the guiding teachers, our team studied the life and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci. During our meetings, a part of our team gathered raw materials and made wooden forms. After a long research the other part of our team have made a presentation about Leonardo da Vinci and his inventions.
Florina Tudor, student XID, National College Barbu Ştirbei Călăraşi