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Spend amazing time with me anal fisting missing keys These dirty pickup lines—listed from least to most raunchy—are great to use when talking or texting with a significant other or friend. 2. Well, hey there! I sure don't need a spoonful of sugar to swallow you. 3. Are you a candle? Because I want to blow you. [Read: Hot. The blow job. You can beat your eggs and your wife but you can't beat a blow job. › warningdirty-pickup-lines Want a job? It blows. You must be Medusa because you make me rock hard. One of my friends told me girls hate oral, do you wanna help me prove him wrong.

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Calm down and take a breath Blow Jokes dickem mann. Are you looking for a job? Or is your loved one recently became unemployed? Make the best out situations using these silly and cheesy pick up phrases. Lie down on that couch and pretend your legs hate each other. Want a job? It blows. You must be Medusa because you make me rock hard. If you're trying to turn someone on and make them laugh, then try out some of these funny lines: 1."Hey! My name is Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight. 2. Well, hey there! I sure don't need a spoonful of sugar to swallow you. 3. Are you a candle? Because I want to blow you. [Read: Hot. You will be dealing with a prostitute so just ask matter of factly: “how much do you charge for a blowjob?” and you will get your answer. Take.

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